Dhunohet Vajza shqiptare nga 4 Persona, nder ta 2 Kusherinj te saj! (VIDEO)

Nje ngjarje tronditse ka ndodhur te ne shqiptare ku 4 te rinje kishin bere pune me te nder ta 2 kusherinj te saj, ngjarja ka tronditur te gjithe opinionin anembane, ndersa autoret e krimit gjenden ne polici dhe per ta denimi eshte i pa shmangshem! Kjo eshte nje ngjarje shokuese per te gjithe ne! Ishalla nuk ndodhin ma raste te tilla!
A shocking incident happened with Albanian Ney where four young people would have done honor to work with her ​​two cousins​​, the event has shaken the entire opinion across, while the perpetrators of the crime to the police and found to be punishment is inevitable! This is a shocking event for all of us! I hope no more such cases happen!