Kafeneja Jone : (Promo) episodi 329

Promo e episodit 329 i cili do
 te transmetohet me daten
 21 Tetor 2013 ne RTK ne ora 20:20 , 
dhe ne ora 21:00 ne ''CMBTVChannel''

Worker Scares His Boss, Funny (Video)

Worker Scares His Boss, Funny 
Puntori e trishton Bosin e vet (Video) 

Very Scary Prank...

Crazy man does the unthinkable (Video)

Crazy man does the unthinkable
Ky eshte Njeriu me i cmendur ne Bote (Video) 
Shiko se qfare bene ??
This is most elastic Man in the World who does the unthinkable...

Most one finger push ups in 30 seconds (Video)

Most one finger push ups in 30 seconds - 
Guinness World Records Classics
Njeriu qe ben skleka me nje gisht vertet e pamundur (Video) 
Shiko pamjet me poshte se si i bene sklekat.
The most one finger push ups in 30 seconds was 41
 and was achieved by Xie Guizhong (China)

On the scene 'Emergency workers' deal with the submarine

Nendetesja qe shfaqet ne mes te qytetit (Foto/Video)
Shiko ne pamjet me poshte pas reklamave
se si nje nendetese del ne mes te rruge.
 A submarine has apparently pushed its
 way through the paving stones and damaged a nearby car.

Kafeneja Jone : (Promo) episodi 328

Me poshte e keni videon promo te Kafenes epizoni me i ri 
Promo e episodit 328 i cili do te transmetohet me daten
 14 Tetor 2013 ne RTK ne ora 20:20 , dhe ne ora 21:00 ne
 ''CMBTVChannel'' , Full HD*

Dog Steers Baby Away From Dangerous Waves in Turke

Dog Steers Baby Away From Dangerous Waves in Turke
Videoja qe i mahniti te gjithe…qeni heroik ndalon foshnjen te futet ne det (VIDEO)
Shiko ne video me poshte se si femija shkon drejt detit 
por nje qen nuk e len te hy ne dete ky femije.